implementation module general import StdEnv :: Bind a b = { bind_src :: !a , bind_dst :: !b } :: Env a b :== [.Bind a b] :: Optional x = Yes !x | No :: Choice a b = Either a | Or b cMAXINT :== 2147483647 :: BITVECT :== Int hasOption :: (Optional x) -> Bool hasOption (Yes _) = True hasOption No = False instance ~ Bool where ~ b = not b instance <<< Bool where (<<<) file bool = file <<< (toString bool) instance <<< (a,b) | <<< a & <<< b where (<<<) file (x,y) = file <<< '(' <<< x <<< ", " <<< y <<< ") " instance <<< (a,b,c) | <<< a & <<< b & <<< c where (<<<) file (x,y,z) = file <<< '(' <<< x <<< ", " <<< y <<< ", " <<< z <<< ") " instance <<< (a,b,c,d) | <<< a & <<< b & <<< c & <<< d where (<<<) file (w,x,y,z) = file <<< '(' <<< w <<< ", " <<< x <<< ", " <<< y <<< ", " <<< z <<< ") " instance <<< (a,b,c,d,e) | <<< a & <<< b & <<< c & <<< d & <<< e where (<<<) file (v,w,x,y,z) = file <<< '(' <<< v <<< ", " <<< w <<< ", " <<< x <<< ", " <<< y <<< ", " <<< z <<< ") " instance <<< (a,b,c,d,e,f) | <<< a & <<< b & <<< c & <<< d & <<< e & <<< f where (<<<) file (u,v,w,x,y,z) = file <<< '(' <<< u <<< ", " <<< v <<< ", " <<< w <<< ", " <<< x <<< ", " <<< y <<< ", " <<< z <<< ") " instance <<< (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) | <<< a & <<< b & <<< c & <<< d & <<< e & <<< f & <<< g where (<<<) file (t,u,v,w,x,y,z) = file <<< '(' <<< t <<< ", " <<< u <<< ", " <<< v <<< ", " <<< w <<< ", " <<< x <<< ", " <<< y <<< ", " <<< z <<< ") " instance <<< [a] | <<< a where (<<<) file [] = file <<< "[]" (<<<) file l = showTail (file <<< "[") l where showTail f [x] = f <<< x <<< "] " showTail f [a:x] = showTail (f <<< a <<< ", ") x showTail f [] = f <<< "] " (--->) infix :: .a !b -> .a | <<< b (--->) val message | file_to_true (stderr <<< message <<< '\n') = val = halt // Strict version of --->, which evaluates its lhs first (<---) infix :: !.a !b -> .a | <<< b (<---) value message = value ---> message // Tracing evaluation of a value, otherwise acts like identity traceValue :: !String !String .a -> .a traceValue contextdesc valuedesc value = (value <--- (contextdesc+++" <<== "+++valuedesc)) ---> (contextdesc+++" ==>> "+++valuedesc) (-?->) infix :: .a !(!Bool, !b) -> .a | <<< b (-?->) val (cond, message) | cond | file_to_true (stderr <<< message <<< '\n') = val = halt = val file_to_true :: !File -> Bool file_to_true file = code { .inline file_to_true pop_b 2 pushB TRUE .end } halt :: .a halt = code { halt } instance + {#Char} where (+) s t = s +++ t